Mary Charlotte - Senior Pictures

November 10, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
The Meredith family has long been some of my family's closest friends. My parents could tell you stories of living a block apart and sharing lawn mowers twenty-five years ago (which is funny...because technically that still applies now, too), road trips through the badlands to Montana, fishing out at their old pond, many meals shared, and so much more. Our parents have even been BFF's since before the days of Mary Charlotte! :) MC and her family moved to Arizona many years ago and we were so sad to see them go. Then, just about a year and half ago we got the amazing news that they were coming back! They moved back at the end of Mary Charlotte's sophomore year...but I swear you wouldn't ever know she left. And if you know MC at all....that isn't the least bit surprising. She is so sweet, outgoing, and personable. She made moving part way through high school look easy! She joined the girls golf team, soccer team, got involved in StuCo...she has just done it all! She made fast friends and it seems like she lived in Hutch her whole life.

It is funny because before I left town to take these pictures Rob asked when I would be back because we had our small group that night. I said, "Oh, probably 5:30, definitely no later than 6." Robby looked at me very seriously and said, "Really...because you say that but then you usually end up eating dinner at the Merediths' and coming home later than planned." I laughed and said "True...but today I'm hanging out with the Merediths' when I take their pictures! So I really will be home at 6!" :)

It was so fun getting to hang out with MC and Mimi as we took these pictures. Their family is so special to me (and my family!) and I was honored to get to take her senior pictures. Hope you like your preview, MC!

We started off taking a few pictures on her front porch, which is fun because later we went and took pictures on the dirt driveway of their house before they left Hutch, too! 

I'm pretty sure the next picture was taken after Mimi told MC to strike a pose. Looking good, MC! :)


This next picture was taken in the driveway of the Meredith's old country home. :) IMG_1188


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